국가와 민족을 위한 신년 하례식
대한민국 바로세우기
국가와 민족을 위한 신년 기도회 및 하례식
일시 : 2022년 1월 20일(목) 15:00 - 19:00
장소 : 서울 그랜드하얏트 호텔 그랜드볼룸
공동주관 : 한국보수주의연합(KCPAC), 한국기독 실업인연합회(CBMC), 대한민국장로연합회
주최 : 한미자유안보정책센터(KAFSP), 한국예비역기독군인연합회(KVMCF), 한국교회연합회
Pray for the citizens of South Korea
Pray for the nation to be stronger than ever before
15:00 - 19:00, January 20th, 2022
Grant Ballroom, Seoul Grant Hyatt
Blessing Korea 2022, a ceremony to pray for the future of the Republic of Korea, featured many distinguished guests, including speeches and messages made by Annie Chan, co-chair of the Korean Conservative Political Action Conference (KCPAC), Yoon Seok-youl, the presidential candidate for the People Power Party, former Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn, and Koh Young-ju, chairman of the Freedom and Democracy Party.
Annie Chan
Founder and Co-Chair, KCPAC
Welcome Remarks
Presidential Candidate Yoon Seok-youl
Congratulatory Message
Hwang Kyo-ahn
former Prime Minister and Acting President
Congratulatory Message
Koh Young-ju
Co-Chair, KCPAC & Chairman
Congratulatory Message